Navigating the Workers’ Compensation System

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Navigating the Workers’ Compensation System

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The Orange County California workers’ compensation injury attorneys at DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo have helped thousands of people with their workers’ compensation claims, work injury, and personal injury cases since 1979. Our team prides itself on making the workers’ compensation process as simple, efficient, and successful for our clients as possible. Contact our firm at (714) 783-2205 and we will be sure to answer your questions and discuss your options. The questions and answers below are also meant to help educate you but keep in mind that they are general answers. We would be happy to set up a free initial consultation and case evaluation to discuss your specific job injury and case with you.

Should I Get an Attorney to Help Me Navigate the Workers’ Compensation System?

The workers’ compensation system seems very confusing and overwhelming to many who try to take on their own case without a workers’ compensation lawyer. Whether you can adequately defend yourself and your rights is a question you have to answer for yourself. We would be more than willing to have a free initial consultation to answer your questions and discuss your options. Having our legal advice will help you regardless of whether you move forward with us or alone.

You are not required to have an attorney at any point in the workers’ compensation process. This is even true if you have a disagreement with the claims administrator. But, there are many advantages to having an Orange County workers compensation attorney prepare and represent your case especially as it tends to get you the maximum compensation and benefits that you legally can get. They will be experienced in dealing with the complicated workers’ compensation system, the insurance companies, appeals and complaints process, and the claims administrators. Additionally, what many of our clients truly appreciate is that bringing an attorney onto the case gives you the time and energy to heal and take care of your family. If you decide not to get an attorney, the information & assistance officer at your local DWC office can help you with your claim.

What Resources Are Available to Me If I’m Having Issues Getting my Benefits?

Your local information and assistance officers at our local DWC office are free to the public and they are great resources. The will help you understand how you can act on your own behalf but they are not there to help you as intimately or completely as an attorney would. Call us and we’ll give you specific examples of how we can go further to help you and your case.

Can I Get Any Other Financial Assistance? (Besides Workers’ Compensation)

Other benefits may be available and we would be happy to discuss which ones you qualify for during the free initial consultation. These potential benefits include benefits paid to injured workers by the state and federal governments, benefits paid by employers and payments if the injury was caused by someone other than your employer or place of work. The possible government payments could include State Disability Insurance (SDI), unemployment insurance, and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Benefits offered by employers and unions may include sick leave, group health insurance, long term disability (LTD) and salary continuation plans. The potential compensation that is legally due to you if your work accident or job injury was partially or fully caused by someone other than your employer could be substantial. We call these third party injury cases and they would be a separate case from your workers’ compensation claim. In these situations, we would recommend you have us help you as there would be two simultaneous cases that would need to be carried out strategically and in sync. Call us to learn whether we believe your injury circumstances qualify for a third-party case.

How Do I Find Out the Status of My Claim or Case?

If you have a workers compensation attorney in Orange County, it is their job to keep you up to date. If you don’t have an attorney, contact the information and assistance officer at your local DWC office for a current report on your claim.

Contact Our Lawyers At DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo Today

If you have any question whatsoever, call us any time of the day or night. We want to meet you and help in whatever way we can. All of our initial case consultations and case evaluations are free. You will meet an attorney who will listen to you and discuss your options. Unless and until we do our job and win your case, you will not be charged anything for our time and assistance. Our work injury attorneys in Orange County are ready and available to meet you at our office, your home or hospital room Monday – Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm. If you prefer to meet on evenings or weekends for any reason, we are also available during those times, too, by appointment. We are well known throughout Southern California as hard-working and ethical workers’ compensation attorneys. We hope this page has helped you become more informed on the workers’ compensation system and we encourage you to read all of our other workers’ compensation informational pages.

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