Statute of Limitations on Rape by a Clergy Member

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Posted By DAM Firm | August 31 2019 | Clergy Abuse

Statute of Limitations on Rape by a Clergy Member

Sexual abuse survivors suffer not just from the initial assault, but immediate and long-lasting emotional and psychological trauma. The news has been filled with survivors of child sexual abuse coming forward, many of them feeling empowered by the #MeToo movement that has become an umbrella for multiple modes of justice. However, one of the main…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 30 2019 | child abuse

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children

The sexual abuse of children is a problem far larger in scope than many people realize. The public is aware of the major news stories but never think it could happen to them and their families. However, it could happen. Statistics show us that around 10% of children under the age of 18 will be…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 29 2019 | Bike Accidents, Personal Injury

California Helmet Laws

You may understand the importance of wearing a helmet, but not the exact laws in California regarding them. Jumping on an electric scooter or bicycle, for example, may involve different helmet laws than a motorcycle. Knowing when the law requires the use of helmets for riders and passengers can help keep you out of legal…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 29 2019 | child abuse

Sexual Assault Myths

We have a crisis when it comes to sexual assault in the United States. Over the last few years, a spotlight has been on survivors coming forward in a range of circumstances. The #MeToo movement has finally allowed us to glimpse the extent of the problems concerning: Violence and assaults against women in the workplace…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 28 2019 | child abuse, Clergy Abuse, Personal Injury

What Does Consent Mean?

When discussing sexual assault and abuse, you will hear the word “consent” come up over and over again. Defining consent is not easy, and the laws vary state-by-state. The general definition of consent when it comes to sexual activity is “an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity.” Consent can be given both verbally…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 27 2019 | child abuse, Clergy Abuse

How Can I Lessen the Impact of Child Sexual Abuse?

If you have discovered that your child has been sexually abused, you will want to know what you can do to lessen the impact of what has happened to them. If you are an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse, you also may want to take steps to lessen the symptoms you are experiencing. All…

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