Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Artículo 16-14 En 2002, el Congreso de Estados Unidos creó la visa U para inmigrantes indocumentados que son víctimas de ciertos crímenes serios específicos. Los inmigrantes que califican que tiene al menos 21 años de edad también pueden solicitar visas para sus esposas e hijos. Quienes todavía no tienen los 21 años pueden solicitar a…
Article 16-14 ¡No Se Deje! In 2002, the Congress of the United States created the U-Visa for undocumented immigrants that are victims of specified serious crimes. Qualifying immigrants who are at least 21 years old can apply for visas for their spouses and children as well. Those that are not yet 21 can apply for…
If you ever have to file for workers’ compensation, we hope it’s a straightforward case. Usually, proactive employees can identify potential problems before they get worse – such as growing joint pain – and settle for a payout that covers prescription costs and keeps them working and moving forward in their careers. Claims, however, are…
Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be a long, tiring process, especially if your case is rejected. It is often more difficult, however, to know when a claim should be accepted or challenged. After extensive treatment and emotional anxiety, it may be tempting to accept whatever amount you are offered and move on. You may…
Article 16-12 Las leyes Federales contra la discriminación protegen a todas las personas en este país, independientemente de su estatus migratorio (incluyendo a inmigrantes indocumentados), de la discriminación injusta e ilegal. Las leyes laborales contra la discriminación disponen que es ilegal que los patrones tomen alguna decisión laboral, basados en la raza, color, nacionalidad…
Article 16-12 ¡No Se Deje! Federal anti-discrimination laws protect all persons in this country, regardless of immigration status (including undocumented immigrants) from unfair and illegal discrimination. Employment anti-discrimination laws make it illegal for employers to make any employment decisions based on a person’s race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or sex. It is illegal to…