7 Questions to Ask a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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7 Questions to Ask a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Posted By DAM Firm | August 18 2021 | Personal Injury

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver in the state of California, you should be entitled to various types of compensation for your losses. However, securing this compensation can be challenging without assistance from a skilled attorney. Here, our pedestrian accident lawyers in Orange County want to discuss what questions you should ask a prospective pedestrian accident lawyer before you allow them to work on your case.

7 Questions to Ask a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

How Long Have You Been Practicing Personal Injury Law?  

It may seem intrusive to ask an attorney how long they have been practicing personal injury law, but it is important for you to know that your attorney has the experience necessary to handle your claim. Not all attorneys are necessarily personal injury attorneys. Additionally, even though there is nothing wrong with a new attorney, are you sure you want your case handled by someone fresh out of law school?

Have You Handled Pedestrian Accident Claims Before? 

You should ask your attorney about any successes they have had with personal injury claims in the past. Some personal injury lawyers specialize in particular types of cases, while others handle most aspects of personal injury law. Ask your attorney about recent pedestrian accident cases they have had success with.

How Much Do You Think My Case Is Worth?

You can ask your attorney how much they think your case is worth. A word of caution – it is difficult for an attorney to properly calculate the value of your settlement at an initial consultation. However, the attorney may be able to give you a ballpark estimate so that you have some idea of what to expect as you move forward.

Do You Think My Case Will Settle Or Go To Trial?

There are some attorneys who will be very quick to jump on a settlement offer from an insurance carrier. However, this may not be in your best interest. Even though the vast majority of pedestrian accident cases will be resolved through an insurance settlement, that does not mean that an attorney should go for the first settlement offer. Additionally, you want to have an attorney who will be willing to take your case all the way to trial if necessary to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf.

Will You Be Working on my Case Directly?

Ask your attorney if they will be handling your case themselves. Often, more well-known attorneys at a law firm will be used to draw in clients and then hand the case over to more junior attorneys or even paralegals. Ask your attorney if they will handle the case. If they say no, find out who would be handling your case and meet with them personally. If you are not comfortable with the attorney working on your case, move on to the next attorney on your list.

Who Will Be My Contact Person For This Case?

Every law firm should have a contact person for you to get ahold of if you have any questions or concerns about your case. You want to have a contact person who can be the liaison between you and your attorney and who will make sure that your attorney returns your calls as quickly as possible.

What Are Your Fees, and What Happens if We Lose? 

You need to know the fee schedule associated with your attorney before they begin working on your case. Look for an attorney who will take your California pedestrian accident case on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will not be responsible for any upfront or out-of-pocket costs related to your case and that you will not have to pay any legal fees until after your case reaches a successful conclusion. Contact our Orange County personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation of your case. 

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