Summer Time Means More Bikes on the Road

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Summer Time Means More Bikes on the Road

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Posted By DAM Firm | July 3 2018 | English

family biking
Summer Time Means More Bikes on the Road
With cities vying to be more bike friendly and the increase in interest with cycling, people now more than ever are riding bikes for fun and for their main mode of transportation.  Now, with school out, many children are also enjoying the fun of a summer’s bike ride.  More bicycle injuries occur from May through September than during any other times of the year.  While California and Nevada have increased the protections for bicyclists, some motorists unfortunately still believe bicycles do not belong on the roads, which has resulted in many law abiding bicyclists, including children, getting injured.

Avoiding Bicycle Accidents This Summer
To avoid danger this summer:

  • When biking after 7 p.m., always wear bright, reflective clothing
  • Ride in a straight line and in a single file when biking with a group
  • Make sure your bicycle’s lights are in working order and bright enough to be seen by motorists
  • Pull over if you notice any signs of fatigue
  • Always wear a properly fitted helmet while cycling
  • Never cross a road unless you are at a crosswalk and have a green light

Both California and Nevada require bicyclists to ride with traffic, as far right when practicable, while riding on a road way, except in limited circumstances.  Both states also require the use of lights and reflectors during darkness. (Cal. Vehicle Code §21201 and Nevada Revised Statutes §484B.783 and §484D.100)
Fun Places to Ride
Whether you’re embarking on a century ride (100-mile ride or race) or heading to work, be sure to stay safe and follow the rules of the road.  Looking for a safe place to ride? Check out these bike paths and trails:

California and Nevada offer some of the best destinations and places to live in our country!  Since they are neighboring states, many of us have family and friends in the other state that we often visit.  Knowing that our clients enjoy visiting and spending time with family and friends in California and Nevada, our California and Nevada licensed attorneys are here to help you, your family, and your friends if they are injured while riding a bike in these states.

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