Technology’s Impact on Workers’ Compensation

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Technology’s Impact on Workers’ Compensation

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Posted By DAM Firm | May 24 2016 | English

Organic foods, healthier habits, and more effective technology enable many people to live healthier lifestyles. This often leads to greater personal and professional satisfaction. In fact, commercial enterprises may start to see some benefits from the impact of technology on workers’ compensation and diminished work injuries. On the flip side, employees may have an easier time documenting their injuries or streamlining the claims process.

How Will Technology Affect Employees?

Technology has led to amazing improvements in health care, including better diagnostics and easier access to care and medication. For employees, it means preventing or minimizing work-related pains. Workers’ compensation programs, for example, often cover chronic pains an employee experiences. However, if that worker uses technology to track rehabilitation or preventive exercises or to stick to a stretching session every night, the likelihood that he or she will be injured decreases.

Moreover, advanced nutrient counters can help personnel watch what goes into their bodies, minimizing the risk of health problems that may lead to an on-the-clock injury. Outside these benefits, worker productivity and positivity typically increases when leading a more active or healthier lifestyle. In turn, claims costs are minimized. If an employee has carefully documented his or her personal health, it will also be easier to demonstrate a qualifying injury.

How Will Technology Affect Employers?

Companies can also use innovative technologies to ensure workers are performing in the healthiest ways possible. For example, they can use gamification techniques to help personnel maintain correct posture. This is particularly beneficial for an employee who filed a claim and returns to work, as that individual can now optimize his or her health to avoid further complications. It also helps these businesses develop and track rehabilitation plans or stay in contact with health care providers and insurers.

Indeed, the overall process is streamlined. Instead of going through mountains of paperwork, companies can quickly turn to well-documented behaviors, employee logs, and health information to guarantee that a claim is filed as efficiently as possible.

Wearable Tech That Is Optimizing the Workforce

A few gadgets in particular have paved the way for improved health, lower injury risk, and simpler compensation claims:

  • Wearable technology. The ability to monitor one’s health is a huge incentive for many people. Wearable tech like Fitbit can track behavior before, during, and after work, and similar sleep monitors can help employees pinpoint the exact amount of rest they need and set aside time to get it. This translates into more aware and proactive staff members.
  • iPhones and tablets. These devices are already integrated into nearly every aspect of our lives, and many fitness programs are on the market to go with them. These will only get more complex. Employees and employers, for example, can check the status of their claims or address any concerns through insurance companies’ applications, and health care providers can send appointment or medication reminders.
  • Videoconferencing. Video technology streamlines the claims process by allowing entrepreneurs, workers, medical professionals, and insurers to meet face-to-face when and wherever they are. What once took weeks of back-and-forth emails can now be discussed and resolved over an afternoon meeting.

Though these innovations are incredibly impressive, they’re still far from perfect. The claims process takes time, and even when it’s streamlined, it can be difficult, especially if a worker has suffered a debilitating injury. In these cases, you may not know if an insurer is providing everything it should be or if you’ve agreed to a settlement in exchange for waiving certain rights. In these cases, it’s important to reach out to a qualified legal team.

If you’re struggling to process a workers’ compensation claim, speak with the team at DiMarco Aroujo Montevideo. We have decades of combined experience in California. In light of these new technological developments, you may be wondering what evidence you’re expected to provide or the lifestyle changes you’ll have to make. Schedule a consultation, and we’ll work out these details together.

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